4 or FIve sonnets which were / not for the first time/
I wrote them,in October? in a week? yes, and that was like Leibniz Fairy tale the long 100, 000 word Prose poem , which,yes begins, a faux, or false, yeah, sonnet and the first no the second, starts by posing the question of sonnet?_____________________________________
begins, a faux, or false, yeah, sonnet and the first no the second, starts by posingthe question of sonnet?
egins, a faux, or false, yeah, sonnet and the first no the second, starts by posingthe question of sonnet?
a sonnet you could say is a haunted room , just like all books of poetry,
are, haunted by all formats of previous, haunted by the formatting of the 'book'
the printed table, the written word and its ordered huerrichy yes yes hurry archy
howe3ver with a book like thE prose poem that was finnegans wake
one has to ask
or ones ask, you ask, does a really possible now?
is it likely? he gave the keys in the last pages of his Wake
the keys given, i think is the phrase
ivy poison ivy hangs on the shade of the vowel,
the tree consonant, the busted
? he gave the keys in the last pages of his Wake
the keys
Can sonnet effect deterritorializations? of mutant poetic matter? does an object fly from its subject a bounce of air
clearing the bar,
checkin the sun
Is it unlike the damage caused by Hegelian dialectics adn its insufferable contradiction machine
something opens up the simultaneous codes?
Clifford Duffy