_________________________marching dead/walking dead/ little wars/ big one/
little one/big one everywhere violence_/and the fear
of it everywhere ___________A little lake waters quiet
the wind shifts slightly
history is a rolling thunder
under the clouds the mysterious monster (nothing mysterious about it)state
killin its citizen(z)
buffeted by bullet and barricade bodies
hammered into blood and guts brains bashed
piled up bodies /// shoot those demonstratives
shoot their ass/ we gotta protect our state/ gotta spend
(repeat after me we gotta gotta gotta )
a billion an more arm/to the hilt/ the 'cops' and helmet
goons protecting the / the bodies bashed/ bullet-taser
control./gas gas ___ no remembering of your dead
your loss
your land __ history is the history of uprisings
who owns this land?
said Adam
Me said God
me said
Who owns
In the death property gaze vessel a thousand miracles are wrought in the ice night
--------------------' chicken shit'
__________its violent harms hurts