what about Japan? and the night birds hawks dwindling to reach?
(the?) perch of heaven ('s) branch? and the daring song
think of that deathly
instant and the whirling down jets
over the plains of Afghanistan
the submarines trawling the world's water s
the death rays of the sun
the ear storm of surf crash bash an lash of th e water
ripping up the storm
tsunami to the
this one holds her fort
this holding her career
those her house and younger husband
banded by the law's litigious
swarm of children
mating names
but no I ever pretended to be you
in the lover's warm pelt
along the green
or the belt a lady wears provoking her tormentors
the seers of the city vamp
the ramp of peering corner
the coroners of flesh
fresh in the wind of heaps
the raising torrent