

image and phrases

Often you seem to be repeating yourself, in the fictions, and well, perhaps the other works as well. Is there a recurring obsession or is it a method, a working together of the two?

Yes, that's astute, it's sharp, It's true. The words and images, the phrasing even itself, every artist is like that... yes, dont you think?
After all we're creatures of our bodies, our situations, our loneliness and our solitude, our sense of being with others, and not being ..

You're obssessed with this idea o f the philosophers arent you? or nakedness in the body and its sexuality?

Hahha I notice you didnt name them! well, okay sure, I am but there are the characters, or personae that I see there as forces, or folds of a kind of bearing of intensity I carry in the world. for me the poems, and fictions especially are a
domain of freedom... and philosophy, well you know I am an artist and I work with these materials but I dont feel any ownership to them I love them of course, I love reading their work... and underlining it especially!

Well C Duffy and Clifford Duffy you're a funny man... I don't meant that in an insulting way.. this has been going on for a long time with you, hasn't it?

Some are born to strange delight some are born and some ... Well, I have that kind of mind that wanders...
and it wanders in and out of stories and figments of them. and anyhow, yes, I am the sort of endless digression of my own materials...

its quite late let's continue this tomorrow shall we?

O yes, of course natureally.


Mister CDuffy and Clifford Duffy
scrummages as the tape recorder falls
on the floor...

I must hurry!
back to my tent!
its late
and the moon's gone

the stars are throbbing fibrillating and Im thinking about caressing buttocks.....

