Tell me more about the fictions...
They're frictions... rubbings... and they're , theres no desire in them or around them to create
guilt, ambition, power, and anything else. they're a spot (in time) that's freedom, a bit of my freedom....recently, or say back in 198ty something i read, or heard, 'creation's takes place in bottle necks, in other words, its squeezed, when you'r e stuck, well that's sort of true, but one creates for other reasons as well, one creates to clear a space of freedom, one creates to creates the possibility of freedom, to make space, because one has time, one plays. Yes, one playsand plays, and then oneis driven and what started as fun becomes a habit and an addiction with ThiS difference____ Something is left Behind, something is Created, Produced .. its not thrown in the garbage, or left to go rot like if you, like say if you were just drunk.
Non creators dont get that, nor do the ones who have ambition get that. Ambitious artists are always failure in the , I mean they are failures in the Long picture.