___________________________ trop de beaute provoque le suicide ~ too much provokes suicide ~ . le probleme de beaute _ genet parle de ca, et les autres c'est evident . in the essay he wrote about giacometti, in sartre's book about genet, rimbaud starts the saison saying he sat beauté on his knees one night and found her revulsive. you know woman is beautiful_ all __ of them,yes, some more intense, others radiant, varies changes, woman is the fair that always spins... women are the intense beauty , the pain. of the world. the radiant grass growing back back again again. yes, woman is the ebb/flow ...elbow... .you am ugly orgre . they keep their distance from him~. a deformed creature. weighted by muscles and tears. lust deformed by bones. woman, who is the god's way of adding to the sad earth, woman , yes, yes, woman is repelled by him. you are the crippled cup, the one they walk around on streets and metro.they sense your death. Some places you attend, they walk in diagonals to avoid him. Alors, vous etes l'homme le plus singulier dans monde, sans aimée pars les femmes. Sans aimée au cause d'être un monstre, et peut-etre suis-je un monstre sacrée? perhaps you're a sacred monster. but how can you be such a creature in secular society? there is no sacred and profane, in the society of the secular. so toi, si tu est si laid ton laideur n'est pas sacree. alors c'est plus mauvais, c'est un affair de chance.... __________ Alors. So ~ __
2nd reading variant