why misser d? cause they no suck. they sub_jectitites. not
objectities. not pragmantic'nuff
Not sure I followany of these
really, yes.
wany o f these? these ease ease ease dis ease
Did you already post these?
maybe . no matter
first one is okay.
Second one! my god it need work.
send back to factory for parts and retooling. possible repair. re-equip. Quip, Quip!
If there are territories of desire___and indeed there are Sir, __ but they exist as Outsides not dominated by the signifier dictatorship of the text's Boss__ the one formerly writing under the name God, then we are in them, we fiddle around in the milieu unknowingly. As each of us, is a territory, flake flittering over our own body-without-organs, then we seek what, precisely? A word speaking to a word won't do. A text talking back to another won't do either. Maybe it's just time to do the laundry.
If_____ why say if, how if, when if, who if, whence if__ not if, but becomings over the threshing hold, body-without-organs.
As the egg laid of the formal template dares its opening, unlatching flue, ceaseless line.
Deterritorializing and
Air, indeed, a literary world cannot be unbound to everyday.
They teach us otherwise otherwise otherwise.
That your passive sentence for instance. And your mouth fragment is love. That the schizo sentence is okay. Alright. acceptable. Not the promising of injury to what's been debated inside of yourself.
But a body without organs, and intensities of particles. As yourselves mutate multiple beings becoming.
This becomes an essay by virtue of its paradox.
In the non-deconstuction model it's about a path, a schizoid break line where passages occur. A body-without-organs, a wave over the body. A n intensity of lived experience. Fictions.
___________________| th
Clifford Duffy's DeleuzoGuattarian Fiction are show cased at
Deleuze Studies Manchester .