

what is wrtiting

What is writign? writing is the link,the machine between this and that. in fictions i was create and continue to create escapes. personal writing has no interest for me.its a false self. the one of self pity and death. there is no creation in death.

I am irish I am jew I am the salt which bounds the earth. what I had was stolen from me. my family _w hen I was a child was destroyed. father by way alcoholism. the rest of us paid . when he die. mother was blackmailed. church roman catholic black_maile dher. forced her. to. we paid. fracture. i , exile. became. iw as the one who carried the pain. scape gate scape goat. the walker in the vale. pain balker ..
they did this to this sweet group we was.
what was left broken,crumbled blown in win d