my brother has a lot of money a working worker maniac
he dont carefor shit for poesia so
tough argent pour Moi!
tough luck
love money?
money love?
give me money thats
what I want
art Poetry money Art poetry money
art Poultry Money!
a thousand years ago
but money money money
problems yes money alway money
money c'est l'argent! merdre a l'argent l'argen[e]t !
genet always had money he went to gallimard they gave it to him
made money, apparently from his plays not the novels.
hmmm lucky he. O genet father who i love admire
nearly above all writers of that sort
well i got no money like that so.
yes well debt. debt debt. credit cred it credit debit debit credit
eh? Mister Capital Marx
where is the Money, eh? the cash? eh. le cAsh Flow, eh?