

my studio apartment

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my apartment stuido a mess/ loving mess of creator /painter/writer/poet.
bed / hall way /workspace/ e_ AHAHhah E COKKING cooking /space or closets
hidden books in ther e/parts of old computers/ boots/coats/ clothss mittens/winter spring summer/ radios/ stuff string, cords,c ables.
shirts ties, hats,? no no hats all lost..! Shit I lose hats all the time WINTEr
books here there everywhere what book is that? o I forgot that one, old letters, cd/discs/ old /pcs...
---------------------------------------- even this video dont remember it... toothbrushes... glasses, case,,, papers papers. bills... toothbruhs. dental floss... scarves where are the scarves! lost again... nice tie, got that one twenty years from John for John's wedding _ two friends named John what a life eh? not even all my book s'here thousands, in basement now.... some time.. yes, books books my darling dear books... <this onslaught of art. here this cove off the current just of the crazy Boulevard... _________________________________________________ phone... kitchen shower... shoes, coats, rugs... pillows.. futon... food fridgedaire... outside nice neighborhood people making a living.. life, a strange color of many coats. _________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------