"Les seules voies à suivre se découvrent par le désir" - Claude Gauvreau
RePosting this about GauVreaU
Something strange is going on: A couple of months ago, I changed the url of this blog which had been too long to the one I am now using _http://recalltopoetry.blogspot.com/
and Lo! I was browsing the web, and find to my surprise that there are archives still floating around out there of the old blog
, and copies of texts, which I 've since deleted, and as well an email link was added! How baffling!
and odd! bizzaries of the blog land of poetries.... In any case, this is a text, I had blogged, which I am re-blogging now,
and also to let any one who happens to care, or read these
old archives, that the blog is now
at this Blog and these texts,
are here and now becoming you and me .
RecallToPoetryandsomanyothers: 03/01/2004 - 03/31/2004: "Homage a Claude Gauvreau un Grande Poet de Quebec par Mona -- Mon Olivine
Mona was discovering and discovering un grande poet de Quebec Montreal deterritorialized and fished in the moorings of desire, and her nights were down with him, and Satan and the other desire-machines of miracles and love bodies.
Mon Olivine
Ma Ragamuche
je te stoptatalre sur la bouillette mirkifolchette
J'aracramuze ton epaulette
Je crudimalmie ta ripanape
Je te cruscuze
Je te golpede
Ouvre tout grand ton armomacabre
et laisse le jour entrer dans tes migmags
O Lunethophyne
je me penche et te cramuille
Ortie deplepojdethe
j'agrimanche ta rusplete
Et dans le desert des marquemacons tes seins oberent
le silence
Claude Gauvreau
Les Boucliers mEgalomanes
RePosting this about GauVreaU
Something strange is going on: A couple of months ago, I changed the url of this blog which had been too long to the one I am now using _http://recalltopoetry.blogspot.com/
and Lo! I was browsing the web, and find to my surprise that there are archives still floating around out there of the old blog
, and copies of texts, which I 've since deleted, and as well an email link was added! How baffling!
and odd! bizzaries of the blog land of poetries.... In any case, this is a text, I had blogged, which I am re-blogging now,
and also to let any one who happens to care, or read these
old archives, that the blog is now
at this Blog and these texts,
are here and now becoming you and me .
RecallToPoetryandsomanyothers: 03/01/2004 - 03/31/2004: "Homage a Claude Gauvreau un Grande Poet de Quebec par Mona -- Mon Olivine
Mona was discovering and discovering un grande poet de Quebec Montreal deterritorialized and fished in the moorings of desire, and her nights were down with him, and Satan and the other desire-machines of miracles and love bodies.
Mon Olivine
Ma Ragamuche
je te stoptatalre sur la bouillette mirkifolchette
J'aracramuze ton epaulette
Je crudimalmie ta ripanape
Je te cruscuze
Je te golpede
Ouvre tout grand ton armomacabre
et laisse le jour entrer dans tes migmags
O Lunethophyne
je me penche et te cramuille
Ortie deplepojdethe
j'agrimanche ta rusplete
Et dans le desert des marquemacons tes seins oberent
le silence
Claude Gauvreau
Les Boucliers mEgalomanes
Clifford Duffy