

'an unbroken flow of words and tears'

`different differnet ent as in entity' and it
to the sun like our smile like our ass hanging
`in your hands' it bespeaks like the antiquated
"I was waiting there all night and pregnant
as the pause I saw the bird standing wrought
strong as the turf and " It was like the that her
Erotic spring in the `entity' I was the long song
in between the mother's eyes and the drafted something
slipped away in the shod' of thought' the gentlewoman
of her country caravan and`and why nationalists make the country
a worse place' turning the screw Ulysses Odysseuss Eurydice
again the silent mouth `her reverie and mine' like the similitude
`like the simile I was the epic march of' a preposition missed
made me flung back me I cannot see the memory memorex pad of
my disconnected dendrons `like the whirling cyclades Charybdis
and Scylla it was peaked this way 'this ay' that aye that thing
of iris cornea cone meek shall make pace `long gone song'
her gentlewoman praise my cocks stand mast peace
tired of the `bullfinches' in golden Palgreave pictogram
"old books dead beat old beat dead book' I commenced to write
a booke' was my other's aim
knot not like ringinggg `that hand these picture'
Oh cry and cairn where the loose rocks fell
in the dell of her nose the swirl of her thighs sideways
thunder terrifies thunders terrify me'