__ yes that's you I!
_____ keep coOking
Yiu were an attractive anthropologist
Spelling mistakes included
Poetry as a Way of Life Expression _this poetry of the future_ what are becomings to be exists now yet exists on aural virtual visual plane and is a process of definition in and fiction| and other spaces of desire |clicks the rhizome space. criss cross frontiers mix melodies perform verse machines magics boundaries as usual A Recalltopoetryisawayof life and so many others et tant d'autres et tant d'autre_
les routes sourdes perdaient leurs ailes
et l'homme grandissait sous l'aile de silence
homme approximatif comme moi comme toi et comme
les autres silences
-- from l'hommme approximatif
t. tzara
“All my poems were__[are] on parole “
alll my poemsare on vacation
on Strike
do leave cash
hiatus is a rhetorical term
it's a point of view
_____________the idea of hiatus is a course in redirected thinking or tinkering or what is memory? but of the now...
yes Mona and Jill and Franny discovering new ways of folding,___of becomings-text __ newer employments,
akin to new envelopments […]
but what always matters is folding, unfolding, refolding.Ravelling rapelling composing