

this DadA

   DaDa  is 


         (unlike g/d/)



treat this post as ongoing entry // to the log// which has been //lost

the cost// of death/

and bitch

bitcoin relation


singing sunk/'on


   has there been anyone else where it was not the case?

  this is a   -------   blog pri vate  pri  vate  pre   vate  vates 

 e been anyone else where 

how're you doing's not private just

    (a petit blog as you are stayin' inuTality )

                                    called to see how you'r doin


                                                 (nots privy) 

____________knots canaughts!____ 

i like span and sapin SPain a lot

thanks 4 ass King not ass licking a bl

og is a thing or 



if it's not Dad  A what is it?

an aural history if

not analog?
analogous to the being of becoming no time mo time

left for your silver goad



add  more soon good book! 




