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the worst poets in the world of glistening English letters (there are at least 15)
speaking and writing is a man and woman
their initials are something like this
T (take note ) N (there r know clues in this puzzle) A r
(there is one vowel in the nonclue
Alors, voila, in the last years of his life Tzara sick with
various illnesses discovered anagrams in the works
of Villon & Rabelais which demonstrated they were the authors
of works, i think it was 3 or 4? , that had been attributed to other authors or poets,
i say poet, cause a poet isnt's necessarily an aurthor or writer
isnt aint is, an aurthor is not Arthur or a King ona table with his night,
or checkmate or sylvan weeping fauns, or men with pipes, and naked
statuesque creatures,
and staying to the side of the page with the lefty column does not you a poet make or a god or a cherie mon amour, distant with the silky wave of the ,
nor an aowner of word smuggling
right and left or centre cillia being a functin of the page
that is the typographical one which echoed or mirrored the older one
on the other hand, guitars are too played left to right
& recto verso
do we see left or right? Stage entrance? I entrance thee
hooking with the rave of yon stage Rhythm guitar,
trumpet, bassoon, trombones,
blaring, viola & silent notes
hitting the roof breaking the glass opening the lass
cartoon of love's dying breath
take a breath a breather a break flow
as the
strains of
'or checkmate or sylvan weeping pawns'
not asilver wrapping cleat for the timber land and ground underfoot