it's a plateau a state o f m i n d
before Death, meaning the birth of what I now call 'Bono theism' for the trap it has come to be
it functioned for atime in human history
hoewver its purpose is now
done thus
'the death of god'
which Novalis and Nietzsche hailed,
specifically the Christian western god and its source and off spring
these deadpieces of weight in history are what killed the Christ figure
the christ figure himself being a line of escape
(ts my speculation he did not know himself get the whole picture and the evidence for that is the power grabs made of his ideas after is disappearance,.
and the institurions perhaps necessary from their point of view
of the radical idea of frogivenness and resurrection
a bold one, his idea being remove yourself from the grapple of power
Pilate could not deal it!
Ho Hoy!
let us imagine a scene when Pilate says Nope I aint gonna
have him crucified deos does he still resurrect?
forced to conform to the idea o f a father god
a pappa god
but I aint got no papa mama says Artaud Our toe of becomings
more after
is that Of the or Of a
Mister D?
i was talking to Mister A the other day cursing the god bot
he was the gangster the thug rakcetterrig for some thousands of years
demading authority from all he deos not have possesses to reposssee what was never his
More on this in another post