Ok, then what is a verb?
Re: adverb draft
No one knows what a verb is. A verb aint a noun, it aint a crown, its not ground or being, but is it becoming , is it passive or engaged negative, positive first case, upper case lower case capital I and You.
Who is the verb? some say its this some say its that.
and that is that.its not fat and a cat.
i walked on the beach today picking up crap
is that a verb it got hot i hadnt eaten is that a verb
tomorrow they're protesting the imperial rise of surveillance in the surveillance state of the society of everyone watching everyone
is this a verb that sentence contruscted of hungry thoughts? toast/
(what a lovely typo!)
toast, tea, me, thee, a wee sounding on the sea,
the boats, beach, memory of John and
memory and the water
they say we in that book Paglia claims cultured life's a struggle agains the chthonian (a horrible word which is complely nuts to pronunce so screw it!) force of nature
tacking their high speed in her book,
telling me this and these things
but as I cam e home last
night and i am saying yes yes yes to this pithy truth or that partial one
as theyre all partial
but as I am walking down 'some dark street'
and the jungle life-atmosphere of being lost for a moment rouses that old ,.... in my breast
I do look up
I halt I look up
that vaulting late night sky
one star,, two planets, another star, then another and another and , look, over there,
peeping up, peering out, & beside & beside
& behind, around,
working there, grinding here,
pushing a whole sky a universe of star and strung space
between the heaping skies of what word for it between those cosmoses
and the earth is small its chthonian (that horrible word again) force mostly gravity really
and this is not bad or good, or bad or god,
call it immanence , transcendence
___________________________________ what she does is split it all| down the mid|dle!
ch op ch op|
right some like that
& more
______________________ but its the struggle between her static notion of history that's off and one can say wrong, if not wrongheaded.
but she's close to being on to what's what at least to some extent but . when she starts talking decadence well then the bottom falls through.
what decadence ? what does she mean/ she never says as she does not know. she mixes an idea of decadence with an other notion of late capitalism
as if she'd mixed Jameson's ideas with Bloom's notion of the evening stage of western literary expression. the latter is a complete melancholic projection of the man's own pyschology and where Fredric Jamesson ends we begin.