Lundi ~ thought
get out this place this country move around the world someplace else end the memories here which never end / this city's one of memories it wraps itself thus /canada
quebec/ family/life
death histor
old neighborhoods
who gives a damn
mother's day _ Universal Oedipus
-- Karen, who i found out died last November ) told me once i wish i'd brought you up _ she wanted me in effect? to be her son _ i told another woman about this the following autumn, she's from toronto but her name escapes me, and her reaction was ~ it's a beautiful thing to say a beautiful thing she said, if i recall
the words she used
karen golden died last november after taking a bad fall and after being on life support for about 48
she gave up the ghost or the machine gave up the ghost
-- ghost -- saw what I took to be her for a second yesterday through a store window. what is a ghost? a desire to see someone we loved once, a wish?
___ to be elsewhere in another culture away away from the usual traps and bilge
my language is dying here, our language is dying. it's become a vast compromise
and the stupidities which accompany it.
-- i heard a man speak the last week and he butchered the english language. why he was asked to speak is beyond my ken . except to say the one who asked also does not know anything of the importance of lang uage . what would a capitalist know about language ? nothing but the words of profit mean anything to them. capitalism is the enemy of language as is the language of easy compromise . which is and has been the case here until recently.
will they relent? not likely. they've built their little empire of francophonie! phony! phoney!
what hot! the
word groups drag across the stage.
Enter Language,labour and poet, and lover. Stage Right enters Power politics and their nasty clever friend capital the pig.
A 100 act play depicting the harms of capitals occult destruction of human love.
Capital prevents lovers from reaching
capital steals friendship
capital tells you you deserve your lot and that it's your fault you're suffering.
Captital does not like Art.
But sure knows how to use it.
____________ One can go on and on. One could/ two do.
What's two to do against this stew?