.. ring in me ...
Is poetry a machine in the Deleuzo-Guattarin sense of an 'assemblage' fraught through with lines of flight and desire?
if it is, how so?
One can ask the question against the needs of the human body?The body is not a machine but a warm living breathing being.
Bad poetry is perhaps poetry which is still neurotic and not removed enough to be personal even when it's I (oriented __)
You mean the antartic right?
Interlocuter asking me a question at the border
Moi I lived and loved in that continent four times i was not borrowed bourgeois
it was before the times of reaction
now I live in the country near sussex
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Philosophers are always catching up ________________> are we playing ball? with chaos?
clifford duffy added,
"Je suis un collisionneur de concepts, pas un dialecticien", par François Laruelle, dans | http://www.philomag.com/les-idees/entretiens/francois-laruelle-je-suis-un-collisionneur-de-concepts-pas-un-dialecticien …
How about when you travelled in Africa. That was a period between lets see ... 1980 about and then around back up to Italy...
so by the time you what 28? you'd been
on every continent in the earth except the antartic althought I got close! once! but later I got there...
___________________ it was a time that was easy to travel.. criss-crossing continents .. ships, and trains, and boats, sailing, walking, hitching, flying, being with others being with groups, friends, strangers, old friends, new, loves and not loves ....
easy times to get around the world ...not expensive...
-------------------------------- we moved and travelled hither and yo n
nor th
sou th
her mouth