

and the exception hears

_________________________________Stick this frame around your head_______________

 Mrs and Mister Schizo .   wait .   till the breathe . to the breath? she whoops his bracelet, buckle . Mister Schizio plein de nuit. Tu . Him her, wound around the bed. Double. to the loving.

A man in Brazil a woman in the Brazil of your verse

    and the exceptional night  pause.
   reckon beckon to its still pintle. air to its.     humming  and the drove.  bird humming .           
             the tired  ,,  eyes ,,  braced    for sleep tear the sleep of ,,  the veil of its and

Coating is it coating says Antigone Oedipus to her mother. Biting the four. Not the  metaphor but machine producing gulled airs.   the gulls  .  Not so the six pint winding and the rustle page 

C alculated  the accurate  hour   curated by fatigue and  . things.  between . the buttons of the page, she's arranged stages and other materials, as  as along the english language tabulate she's perpetual prepared the schizophrenia of her lover.

                                                                            and his word come backward to her
                                        her come
     ~ . 

    and the exceptional night  pause.
reckon beckon to its still pintle. air to its.              humming  and the drove.  bird humming . 
   the tired  ,,  eyes ,,  braced    for sleep tear the sleep of ,,  the veil of its and