do i call it
all those grim reapers /the steel philosophers/ the ones/the forks/ the staving knives/
goin to church to kill/
you go to get laid / fogged by the 'god' / and the god dog was a ?
a something something not the fantasm of that first book's requite image. but the beauty
of its golden cupola in the mist. morning. and the
wind harbingering the fruit of other things coming and not afraid
to love to admire
then you came to bed two leggd god or Two headed I should . say .
I not being i-eye eye captain but a fiction. perfect in its pluperperfect sense ~
not some motherfucker's vision of god._________________________
Now whatever motherfucker is you're not it. Dogman. As the two antlered head. was a dog
warrior and though the woman mother came to your bed. she was a tree locked into your .
And then
continued she did in the note bad of the allher life forgiving you and saying I lov e you .
and how kind she was as. the hills raised the antlers to the sky. and myrrh murmuring
chains sang . thrusting t heir
but i was in prison then. sufffering the years. captive. by the ... and the .. ones other i cant name
a. nd. they kept your prison very well. and until you escaped they were very well to keep it.
they kept
but the prison's long . and the escape's hourly, daily, not the martyrdom of the cost of time.
but time itself.
not the graven shoulders of the dead .
And so the mothers came. she came. they came. for him. him.
murmur him. coming their mothers ~ .