(other bodies weep)
on the bus the romantics walk hand in hand
lovers of their youth in their hand had love
worked this way their trembling hand'd know
(other bodies weep)
then the mind forgotten
cutting the landscape treeline forest down
(hear the engines revving)
other than sea's buried pitch and resulting slave the conventional dog and horse play by play on feaster
or weddings famine's richest dog tart to mule packing hotdog to slayed horse mule to whoring king and kind of a ghost bitch to its healthiest whore ghost thieving its recent kitsch
the leaders of gods and men
is this god a bitch hanging her ragged ass tits out the window ? of desire this bitch is called? its her hat hate pongpoing cuts the pate. of others and ordinary. the witch is bare salt. come along her fast ass
her anus built up bridge of hopes and. this war her body's on other ordinary. come to its
callin' spandex ~ glasses tilt. ~ it's over talk to them downward the god arriving debarking plane this cannot be here. her wafted silver plate. she's a mother god wishin' wanting .
her hate ? non we 're no t so cer tain this cake