

and it is?


Interlocutor : And what about the trip to India? did you find the Bo tree? did you drag your body to the Ganges?

CD: yes, I did. That was in March   two weeks hunting the truth of the Bodhisattva `

Int: So your  book will add more details about that the trip to Greece? You weren't comfortable going there when the Junta was in power so you waited...

CD: I traveled a lot in the 'those days' and the meaning of it was true.
it connected to my molecule self, in the same way when I was a student at Vincennes in the event was not traveling turning returning .... it's   an escape for Canadians in the 80's seeing everywhere yet not seeing and the Northern Lights... I went there after.r... India reminded me of El Salvador... ( I was there with the director of Project P where I worked in the winter 89) . I saw the gods in  Northern Canada... polar bear gods and ice spirits.... I saw them there as much as I'd 'seen' the Hindus spirits of  India...and around southern Vietnam ... yes we had mountains valleys.. and in the mountains of the foothills  near B.C. sunsets ringing in the infinite sky  there were visions and demons.. calling voices... far gods.. evoked calling and called ....but sometimes traveling for its own sake became a sickness... especially combined... I mean  that it was 2 edged ....
but being at Vincennes was..not 

like that at all being there  was always s was real always ...

there was learning day and night... sensing the power of a man who swept the rooms with the power of electricity and strange to say humility~

Int: We have to discuss these travels one day ~

CD: Yes! 20 years of voyages leave a lot to divulge ~ i went  and went

  from 76 to 79 I saw four continents, and heard words
that Adam never conceived.. imagining bridges and
roads off the planet
flying off
into outer space
and the whole earth is

a finger in the god's eye

______I ha d a map of the world in my head and
and landed on every continent ~ _______________yet the goal was to move in to the journey i was Ulysses on a boat. but not. I had no desire to be a mythological figure. its silly . we traveled.____ and in the end I saw the world a s a bowl of rings .and saw that Outer Space was . to go where headed.

that Outer Space . was. is where the god . of immanence is visible for all to see

see to all
all to see fold of space
