__ whereas in reality i think it is not so much criticism as polemics poetic polemics the shifting of one aesthetic to another
Working towards
Pound Milton _____________ ExPress the train of sound glory and words
I am working towards completing a longish post about Pound Milton and others. the negative in criticism is what drives me crazy.
negative meaning it is not constructive and its fundamental ground work is refusal reje ction, destruction ___ the sense of negate is to push away what is there and pretend it does not exist __ why does an artist do this? for his own purposes only the rest is gravy and perhaps any pretences to objectivity at that level are just gravy and patch work, soup mix, spuds and potatoes....
__ whereas in reality i think it is not so much criticism as polemics poetic polemics the shifting of one aesthetic to another
__ whereas in reality i think it is not so much criticism as polemics poetic polemics the shifting of one aesthetic to another
__ it is hot too hot in mOntreal these days. this sort of heat makes no sense. heat like this is a bad poem. ! what? a bad poem weather? weather a poem? of incalculable dimensions