

reading and

_____theres  the first ever photograph of Joyce I' d saw __________________________>

I've begun _ re-reading A Portrait of the Artist as a Young man by JJoyce and its been a long time and then some since I've read it and had forgotten how beautiful it is. For years I've been reading Ulysses and time to time  parts and pAGes of Finnegans Wake. So now the young Dedalus  ) 

(of course I did continue to read it... one reads in fragments after look backs years later.... at least ido this with many books, not all. anyhow, i read the Portrait at least three times right thru... A moo cow comin down the road....)

(little did i know this photograph was to be the last of its kind, as it were, of Joyce standing tall straight and
not blind! his eyesight not yet fractured by day and night

And as Dylan Thomas might have written _ 'I am dumb to say' what wonders I am speechless before the gift of Joyce's love... to the world  via his writing aqueducts...   ... how uplifting and inspiring and positive this writing is. And how Joyce had to go in the direction of Ulysses and his other works. Where else could he have gone after the Portrait?

he had to go to comedy after such lyricism's~


and I have a slight headache with these new lens in me glasses but am slowly seeing better.

O Dedalus!

_________________________and this laptop, as they call it, has given me much trouble. times i must turn it off after 20 minutes to let it cool off....
other times it stays working for hours...

______________I think i must get the typewriter back out soon and begun to write on that wonderful machine again with paper, actual real paper, pounding away on it...

and reading and writing bands of words compose and uncompose....