

it's not

______-- take these word. awash . purge?---------------------------------underline --------------organize reorgan. splash the I about. what is spoken/is thought what the rain/ says about us/in the blandished street of the Paris metro/

skin glass is( not)

                                           love's body. write this 
 (have a care lover)

                       see your voice.
  (who are you? between those works of )

can I see it? I hear it. always in 

(i wan and wanted you ) 

                                                   this heart of ours. ours. le votre le notre nous.

to become a p                         oet is become you. to live this love ~

Chaque fois

(each 'interdit' is an invite to loving you)

                                                          (crowded by rain )

______fracture word weight ~___________________________________