

turn to it

_________________ Interviews in the Aristotelian Cave

_C__ Why is every poet a politician?

CDuffy ___I don't mean that in the banal literal sense, I mean that every poet is in the space of freedom and her work is the field of its expression, its desire and hope. The hope of human freedom everywhere. that does not mean poets don't crazy and choose the opposite and even in some cases, have chosen tyranny or something that looks like freedom. Think of Neruda and his choice, his great poems singing the praises , implicitly and even explicitly of the old Soviet Union. Or take Aragon's poems praising Communism at around the same time, back in the 1930's... And then Ezra Pound going the other way, and supporting Mussolini. These were mistakes, and in the latter's situation it was a delirium, a racist delirium. Many poets do this, and so many are, and will continue to make these sorts of mistakes even dangerous ones. But in general poets, great poets come to freedom, and if necessary they return to it.

C__ And you do you make mistakes, have you made them?

CDuffy_____ (laughing crying weeping sobbing beating his breast): Mea culpa Mea cupla Mea Maximum culpa culprit! Yes, yes of course I have, but I think they didnt last, and to my knowledge no one, except my self, my inward self, was harmed by them.
O and I think the verses, and poems,the books,and the rest of it, the whole complete shebang, has , on the whole not been a hindrance to any persons, people and not to Freedom . That is for sure.

C__ and if you found out you were wrong about that, what then?

CDuffy__ It's not a question. It's a statement question isn' it? I say this this, and this say to question statement its a question statement its a freedom statement to say harmed hindered and hurt? I was wrong, if wrong was the statement hindered those others hurt and loved by "moi" and myselves so if wrong was I the I was wrong and existentially mistaken erred . And I like to spell the word freedome with an e. Because it's an E vowel and its out and open like a vowel ought to be open as a vow . No?

________________ (Duffy is hurried out the back door to his hovel and osteoarthritis)___

(waiting him there are darlings of many shapes and ... the secret ...)

E rise to love and late