

Venus and Cupid||1531 Oil on Canvas , 16 X 80 cm|| Royal Museum of Fine Arts Belgium

Dear Venus lady, I don't want to compare, but I thought'd be interesting to juxtapose yer clothes, and his Captain Kidd's stance
as naked to naked
is the glance!

In any case,
'the moon.'

"Renaissance scholars attributed to Theocrites(good old Greek poet of hornyness and love!), the 3rd century BC Greek poet, the fable (the fable my eye, it was a teal story he tells me on the telephone) that recounts how Cupid, having been stung by bees when stealing honey(the wee lad was always gitting in fixes), complained to his mother Venus (O Venus I'm hurtin! play me some blues pianola) about the pain produced by such small animals. To which she replied that he too was small and that the wounds occasioned by his arrows were much more painful. Cranach knew this text from the translation by his friend Melanchton, whom he had met in the intellectual circles that he frequented at Wittenberg. (Dont forget Cranach was a pal of Luther's). The Latin ("Latin that me Trinity scholards") verses (verses curses!) at the top of the painting explain (explain unfold divert expound gloss comment meta texting alluding referring subjecting ) the subject (the subject No less the famous sujet. where is this renown sujet?) This gave the artist (the painter) the opportunity to paint nudes (naked bodies), their strong sensuality (rugged real ragged rangy rank) conflicting with the moralising side of the story. Treated (I love that word 'treated')several times(a bunch of versions) by Cranach himself or by his workshop, this mythological subject matched the taste of the Prince-Electors (Ah them electors was ferocious!)of Saxony, who commissioned these works to decorate their private (their privates) apartments (apartments oh dear what salacious festival of naked bodies and beer were consummated there) ....
apartments... one
of the "most successful" (success another elusive chomper) out of twenty or so known variants (variant variety, different, not quite the same, off, slightly, marginal, connected... hang on we are going off trail... find that thesaurus).

Venus' white, weakly (now that is a relative term)modelled body stands out against a black background in a sinuously(nice alliterative effect) seductive pose. The artist's interest in the human body is very superficial (Really? can you read dear dead Cranach's mind?), far from the anatomical (an anatomy of melancholy no doubt, how sad the human anatomy and its riches) researches undertaken so passionately (passion passion passion never ending passion) by his contemporary(means the other painters who lived at the same time)s. The few accessories adorning the model, like the "heavy red velvet" hat or the "precious" necklace enriched with stones, are clearly added for erotic intent (erotic!). The light, transparent veil attracts the viewer's attention much more than hiding any nudity. The goddess's oblique glance and almond-shaped eyes increase the equivocal nature of this image. Through the harmony of this drawing, Cranach nonetheless succeeds in transcending this seductive aspect and responds to Theocritus' verses by creating a veritable visual poem in which the fluid lines of the model, of rarely equalled elegance, snake melodiously through space. Alongside Venus, the baby winged Cupid holds the honeycomb that he has just stolen, a source of immediate pleasure but also of pain. Behind him, the uniformity of the dark background is broken by a tree, at the base of which we find the mark of the artist's workshop, taken from the coat-of arms granted to him by the Elector of Saxony: a winged serpent with outspread wings, and the date 1531. "

Enough assumptions there to kill, to drive a viewer off the painting altogether, worse than a Norton edition of poor Donne. Paid professionals worse than a nun. without a wimple or a bun. Have fun, s.v.plait.

That is what the scholars from the linked above lovely sight say with our added intertexted spurious glosses, glosses!
So they must speak.

As us Otherwise with Mozart's commission tell this.

About Venus and little boy Cupid.

Cupid's too small for love's arrows!

fat little bumpy boy!
Or chumpy wee bum boy?
ganymede in the gullet?

Or Venus the slim slicker and

that suggestive collar
cellophane veil

Not Venus of Botticelli
rising from the sea
fanned hips fluttering
rank with smell of salt water
the bitter twist of love's body

Her sex thrusting out spunk
on the world' s passive glance

But this Venus like any other a goddess melodious player on the bodies of men and .

Some Penis to match her basket, romp her melting dews shower her fields.

Saunter her city. Or panic at the sheer size of her, the bulk. Or some squat grumpy Venus sucking his cock her mouth a spigot pullin' the juicy seed sperms of the cupid's dainty dialogue of love and sex. Is this it? Some fancy hat not a wreathing flow of hair tumbling down her backside her arse upreared for the parade of desire, sex, horny, hard-ons, buttocking humping heeling

Ohhhhh Veeeeennnnnnnnnnuusssssssssssssssss
Frankie Avalon sang

O Penis O Phineus of the hoggin' knees when yer luggard love to me is like a lust come ramblin' round the shaggy mountain.

O Venus take the penis and finds honey happiness for Cupid cries and sobs, for bobbin on his own. A lonesome cupid aint nuthin' but a rabid cupid.

How many hours did ya gaze at Venus
to find yer self respected
inspected by her look away collar
but little boy
calls hi s Mama in the hour of his sorrow
lifting a barrow to tangle
his flesh in her skinnysome fields of plenty.

Puff puff comes the lover clums __
clumsy as the oats
clumsy winter coats
on a guest's cot he winters the nights with his days and hands, visiting her day and her day is a long light forever flinging its ray on him. Insouciant no more, he musters to the fields to gambol.

Or, as when a cupid shifts his stare gawking at the gal on the seat of the shit house hears the opera of the world, its sad Satchmo politics passes him by, but fiarces roll forth, horses trot cobbled wet road as Venus bumps by. Paris is indifferent.
You would be too, if you had his hair, and those looks.

Puffy wheat of eyes and the stairs you climb
the stares he elicits.

(Lyric aside that( the part that begins Or, as when etc. etc. toodelydoo) was a fake epic simile! (Fake because it's not an epic smarty pants.) Smile yer on epic Simile In Camera!__ I Mozart declare the an unclenched trumpet! SMile to me Lover! )

This envelope as it were, this posting is sealed with laughter, hilarity and the spontaneous unthinkable instant.

Yer dear

_______________________ Now dear bumping into a recent idiot i once knew, idiot recent resentful creature of the 62,000 lamas? O poor lad with his puffed up imbecilic cheeks to buy a veggie sandwich no less. One knows becoming-mozart is hard enough even with stupid music ans around us, in court, on hill, and at date. How can one devent the event of evented language with groping bumwipers such as that onE~? to say nothing of snotpicking dungdumpers! O how their disgust thrills me. I Venus of the keyboard. I harlotparlour tart of the seventy-six freedoms and my humble room ~

Darling Amadeus ~

you invented everything ~

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