

in your pocket the locket of your love locket

Inside your head inside your head
inside your head inside your head
your head your head

a god yes now dont go imagining a god
like you are a moralizing one dont go and do that
dont its not like its not a god either
like Nietzsche wanted to imagine a god that dances

inside your head circular cone

in your head citoyen

time yes time time

yes its the time
the time's been granted
give yes i had that impression i am persuaded
it was given to me by a god
but in any case
dont imagine like you are

inside our head and out there the others worrying about their books and thing
and clover and pushing daisy but we work
with the pillow
and love's grace
its definite finite

like you like me we are inside our head
hanging out in our heart
hanging out in our heart

a god like you
are with a dark shadowy look

but another one
one who's good enough

one who's happy enough

to guide and let me win at checkers

hes happy enough to


its like a god i invent
i think of him
its understood

it's that way

i think of him
but he doesnt dance

and i refer to him
he amuses himself he has fun

with me he does


he never leaves for a second

yes its about time a volume
that expands
and comes in

and yes

inside your head

your head

your heart
I leap at this I work
day and night
I cant stop for a minute
I cant let it lie fallow

i practically have to work night and day

and yes inside your heard head your hands
transformed into time

the weaving the volumes the books the blogs
a dance weave


round this second of your love forgotten

never forgot

your heart mouth

in your pocket the locket of your love locket
