

has there not been

has there not been sex in love

my friend
then let us find a body
weeping at its criminal ending

no, we wont go stop t(here) its clinging apostrophe of leaden baloon
and th e word
hanging like Ferlinghetti's moustache

(papapa T wldnt agreewith the punctuation mark s and so he wrote its the hear thing spelled made its need)

What moustache he doesn't have one!

I am thinking no yer not its Charlie Chaplin
No, its
(unless you had in mind a lady's one, a lady's moustache
nothing smoother in world, her tache he r touche her tuche
its very yes, very as a an ass )

he has a canal past his navel

no he has amnesia aphasiac
its Zorro the rebellion of thunder Mexico the
truant knight holding the 'true' horn

(you mean Zapatista! __ hmm we dont know what he mean)
some faith that was