what did he say
if you hurry you might hear the sun
(between each comma and page)
(as repetition is its god
unfinished blanket of the davinci days)
as it wishes its back on everyone
near its night and day
losers everyone of them bitter in their dying fearful
of eloquence reticence and virtues of the silk pen
for this betrayal has wrappers in its packing
not like clochard or rare elements but near Grendel and
the four wolves, or the bears, say that reach for commas
tearing apart in the forest their own lemon suit .
what suit tears its heart before grass
page of never and tomatoe borne by the heart of care
wished for its vain hope not lacquered by cunning draughts
chess's only steel is its hope
stony faced as the bus terminal blues
and blue as its traversed swine