

97 and 94 from a series redoing

-------------------------------------- Come back come back come back . Little air

97 ~

close to the roof of heaven its night and day
like H's hammer as the thunder clouds speak
the wind blow 'silence on my radio
the air-wave flow' I am just living
by the cliffs' rumble of roar it passes
so night like


aside all things
which crumble off rocks


'A few words to make you sooth waves
like these maker her close her back `nonetheless'

'I have to run,' but see you later.

Her back turned at the computer looking into `space'
`its space'


these verses previous existence proves the flight of being. into becoming itself round the raven of choice. a word of choice deflected round its summaries loves and compelled by lov'e sender to resend its heart .

________________________ you like to revist these old shacks? maybe they need repair jibbing this boat's dawning, its yaw cracked at the rim

seeded at the belt

a tormented wind breaking its tooth ~

so then a verse walks it s own name to eternity. a must. a see you. say a cllimbing columbus into leaven filed of ~ something something and thing to sum its rate of courted stew and meeting.

heart wool.

__________________________ you think Mister D Mona like retarring? it's not retarring lad, its detearing and retearing deterritorializing in Jill Franny et Mona's lingo.

________________________ dans un blog le poeme does not finish and started the same weigh.it fairy over the feld.

stone by its wey rocked by its port .
the image creating a self. regulating its norm(s)

__________________________________________ is this a lecture or a foam?
_____________________________________________ it is a foam reading lectern.

----------------------------------------------- shall it rided off with its name?
a glide a tear a chair away from thinking?

_________________________ we shall see won't we?

_________________________ she bow out its never never nervecentre pulsing to the beat.

justified columns awake by love.