(her name is Russian signifies hope )
'this country' is a strange russia of denial and disarming of
patriation and other falsehoods
i cant begin to speak of 'this' country.
It was published in two volumes in 1970/ One of the high periods of the Cold War...
war is the way of the world. it does not mean it has to remain that way.
history of 20 th century and the 21 st thus far is history of prisoners,prisons, and escapes, liberations, freedom, getting out , doors swinging open,, finding a
space for
oneself and others ,,
democracy now has a story about american judges sentencing kids
to private jails
freeing the prisoner's
hard work
death row
to life
prisoner s of time money
always being watched.
--- but politics is the negotiation of the watcher and watched. a flow of goods and people rounding up themselves for spaces of better freedom. people speak of spirituality as if it was not political but spiritual is too political. the earth is politcal. the stars
i work daily on this new book ive begun ./ slow / drudgery.
everyone has their prison, the
beating its prisoner alive &
death's a prison they say
escape so they
say life's a prison
what do i know
about bones
and prison
except this
rabble ca has a series of
yes, what, yes,
more to
bail outs for rich
world wide corporations
so death goes
on hanging its living ones
A poem by the Russian that has been translated into
Pour la résine de commune endurance, pour le probe goudron du travail.
L’eau dans les puits de Novgorod sera noire et liquoreuse
Pour qu’à Noël s’y reflète l’étoile aux sept nageoires.
En retour, père mien, mon ami, mon aide de rudesse,
Je -frère méconnu, mis hors la loi du cercle de son peuple-
Promets de construire des puits coiffés d’une charpente si robuste
Que les Tatars puissent y descendre les princes dans un bac.