Poetry as a Way of Life Expression _this poetry of the future_ what are becomings to be exists now yet exists on aural virtual visual plane and is a process of definition in and fiction| and other spaces of desire |clicks the rhizome space.
criss cross frontiers mix melodies perform verse machines magics
boundaries as usual
A Recalltopoetryisawayof life and so many others et tant d'autres et tant d'autre_
from russia with love; In this Building they decide who lives and who dies....
A dispute between what is given... and th e sense of what can be made of it.... dissensus a nOther sense of reality... I think it's interesting to compare what Ranciere is speaking about and his demonstration of it and the end of his talk with what the russian dissenters are doing over in Petersburg, Moscow and other places in the big bear ~ Russia
------------------ from What is to be Done ~ a News paper of Engaged Creativity
Chto delat/What is to be done? was founded in early 2003 in Petersburg by a workgroup of artists, critics, philosophers, and writers from Petersburg, Moscow, and Nizhny Novgorod (see full list of participants on the web site) with the goal of merging political theory, art, and activism. Since then, Chto delat has been publishing an English-Russian newspaper on issues central to engaged culture, with a special focus on the relationship between a repoliticization of Russian intellectual culture and its broader international context. These newspapers are usually produced in the context of collective initiatives such as art projects or conferences.
The group was founded in May 2003 in Petersburg in an action called “The Refoundation of Petersburg .” Shortly afterwards, the original, as yet nameless core group began publishing a newspaper called Chto delat/What is to be done? The name of the group derives from a novel by the Russian 19th author Nikolai Chernyshevsky, and immediately brings reminiscences of the first socialist worker’s self-organizations in Russia, which Lenin actualized in his “What is to be done?” (1902). Chto delat sees itself as a self-organizing platform for cultural workers intent on politicizing their “knowledge production” through reflections and redefinitions of an engaged autonomy for cultural practice today.
_________________________________A NewTRust in the power of the Image _________________________________________focus on th e small in the what cannot b e seen
the barely visible
produces a shift curisoity a politics of the resitance of the gaze
part of the landscape itself.....
this article and you tube vide are from from the Febuary 6th posting concerning the lawyer Stanislav Markov ~
"Honoring the memory of the murdered lawyer Stanislav Markelov and the journalist and anarchist Anastasia Baburova has very quickly become a matter of low-scale partisan warfare in Russia. The police have been quick to interfere with or altogether stamp out spontaneous (i.e., “unsanctioned”) collective expressions of grief and outrage. First, there was the antifa/anarchist march through downtown Moscow, where dozens were detained even before the procession could get under way. The following day (January 21), in Petersburg, mourners initially faced a police blockade; they were finally allowed to march to the Field of Mars only after they agreed to hide their memorial photos and candles. In Krasnodar on February 2—a day of international solidarity against the wave of terror unleashed Russian activists that saw rallies and memorials from Moscow to Paris and Rome—the police ordered activists to turn off a boom box that was playing a recording of Markelov’s speech at a November 30 rally against political terror in Moscow.
______________________________________________ a shift of the worn out affect of indignation ___________________________________________________
Yesterday (February 8), after having been turned down by Moscow authorities when they applied for a permit, a group of about twenty or so human rights activists marched from the
Garden Ring to the site of the murders on Prechistenka. As reported by Legal Team member Nikolai Zboroshenko on his LiveJournal, seven marchers were _________________________________________
the landscape of the visible...
detained by police two hours after the event. The police intended to charge them with “disobeying the lawful demands of police officials.” Unfortunately, the police (in this case) picked the wrong group of people to mess with: the Legal Team, it is safe to say, knows the
Russian criminal and civil codes better than the police themselves. After a few hours in custody, the marchers were released and a police official even issued an apology for the incident.
Meanwhile, in Petersburg, a group of anarchists carried out a lightning-strike action against the city’s most prominent symbol of state terror—the so-called Big House (local FSB headquarters), on Liteiny Prospect. They affixed a memorial plaque bearing the inscription “In This Building They Decide Who Lives and For How Long” to the façade of the building, and laid a memorial wreath and flowers under the plaque. As one of them wrote in his LiveJournal:
The FSB continues the traditions of the KGB-OGPU-NKVD. Why is there no plaque in memory of the victims of political repression during the Soviet period, in memory of the victims of the Great Terror of 1937–1938, on even one building of the former KGB? Why are part of the archives of the punitive organs still closed? The authorities declare [their adherence to] democracy and freedom, but in fact they continue the traditions of terror."
--------------------------- Unnpredictiablity of the Affect
----------------- it's this tininess which interests me
and its why im not so keen on those artist bloggers ive run into who are so focused on indig nation
Recall to Poetry is the flagship of Clifford Duffy artist_ none of the blogs are necessarily chronological all told --- at the present time _ there are seven active blogs __these other blogs are linked in the side-bar under the title-Clifford Duffy Other Blog Thing.. What now Sir, a sail in a battering bay?
To get the best, a best ,what is a best? __ Viewing __ Experience? of this blog and my other blog projects ___ try chrome ~ try the firefox..or opera...Try whatever Looks good... it changes right.. there are limits .. to these things.. some of the fonts change the colour resolutions vary....
. the nose iS Up itS Down... even explorer has its moments Opera? never looked..... Blessings to anyone seeing them in any case....Blessings and readings and poems blink
However seeing it on a smart phone be that an apple or android, is not recommended;by all means start there but move on. .the font on this blog especially does not come over on a phone version: or revert to seeing as a web version which is an option offered on most phones...
Re Recall poetry
---- blog Opening at different hours of day & twilight &morn @night it depends on the dyad, the dooda, the rebop and the mopop, in chronosville a lot happens/ so its sense & move off vector or transom plane window pane, no periods svplait
the blogs are one multiple ~
The blog work is one element __mactching revising doing undoing redoing. Combines recombing recombining _ making again and re again. the Again word is the Camber road of create _ welcome here reader ~
tic toc tic tocdublinmallowtlondonurinparissevillecreusewestport montreal
“All my poems were__[are] on parole “
the poetry's strike's over we strike gold in its place
Duchamp once said if the artist says something is Art, then it is.
Tristan Tzara wrote, in 1935.. end of dada and so on
'It is perfectly evident today that you can a poet without having written a line.'
The essay from which this comes is worth reading. But iCant remember its title...
Joyce reading from the Aeolus Episode of Ulysses recorded 1924
the story of the recording and Joyce's arrival at the studio is told in the Ellmann biography officially yet rumors abound regarding the superstitious Joyce entering the studio nervous and anxious at the thought of of thunder (or worse yet lightening) looming outdoors; in spite of all the recording went off without a hitch; judging by the results, which are fine, just refined, but alas, too rare! Aside from the two excerpts of Finnegans Wake and this there are no others, More's the pity!
alll my poemsare on vacation
on Strike
do leave cash
'je parle de qui parle qui parle je suis seul je ne suis qu'un petit bruit j'ai plusieurs bruit en moi un bruit glacé froissé au carrefour jeté sur le trottoir humide' l'homme approximatif ~ Tzara
Lorsque la langue est si tenduequ’elle se met à bégayer, ou à murmurer, balbutier…, tout le langage atteint à la limite qui en dessine le dehors et se confronte au silence. Quand la langue est ainsi tendue, le langage subit une pression qui le rend au silence. Le style – la langue étrangère dans la langue – est fait de ces deux opérations. […] Le style est l’économie de la langue.
Face à face, ou face à dos, faire bégayer la langue, et en même temps porter le langage à sa limite, à son dehors, à son silence.
G. Deleuze, Critique et clinique. Paris : Minuit, 1993
what is 'hiatus'?
Several blogs were, are, on hiatus _discontinuous. it's the average, norm, middle, comma,
hiatus is a rhetorical term
it's a point of view
_____________the idea of hiatus is a course in redirected thinking or tinkering or what is memory? but of the now...
yes Mona and Jill and Franny discovering new ways of folding,___of becomings-text __ newer employments, akin to new envelopments […] but what always matters is folding, unfolding, refolding.Ravelling rapelling composing
first draft seconde raft sailing draught fourth keel fifth.... tacking.... call windy breezy these words on parole these texts here images here.. there around texts and prose to poetry poetry prose prose poem
Some of the gadgets like blog lists or machines/ etc. dont work because ive closed off the feeds and bloggers requires i make them public/ so they dont appear on the links as nothing does which asks for a live feed__ they are living blogs but according to blogger they are not unless they have a agent feed like atom etc.they read the blogs as literal web log updates whereas I read them and use them as literary experiments and intuitions