

of the world night


of the world there are many days and nights.

night under cover of night. its dark
a fretting case of blues.
but narcotized by the hours of leanness.
never marking a sport.tenderness showers the thought over the air
as you proceed. marked by each feeling hampered by ankle and foot.
or limbed in the proxy of wool. carried by sheep. hefted by wain
righting scolders not scholars and the empty of war.
your ruin is this space where the gathered men speak pencils. no wrecking ball
lifts the bacillus above the tent that's ruining the floor. up the shadowed airs
come reveled by their pleasures not sick of the ruin.

how this mouth peaches. or covers its bane
not the stuttered keep of shirts.
or the luxurious swan of lakes
but solitude its mate .

inside the man's head a lake. woman
the wrapping round her endless infinite mercy.
her love fared the busted wound . savoured by its nurture.
recovered and covered overcome overcomed ~ .
