

wolves and greece

Many Greece Not One
The pack, even on its own turf , is constituted by a line of flight or of deterritorialization that is a component part of it, and to which it accredits a high positive value, whereas masses only integrate these lines in order to segment them, obstruct them, ascribe them a negative sign.(One or Several Wolves, ATp 33).

Wolves and Greece. Things are heating up.

What howl? is that Howl I hear ?
ringing cross the planet.
The howl of , the hold of wolves and men ,
the holler of women and wolves ,
the sign of packs and herd.

Heading in the south to the region of delay and lift-off ~ .\

Franny is listening to a program on wolves. I say to her, Would you like to be a wolf? She answers hauthily, How stupid, you can’t be one wolf, you’re always eight or nine, six or seven. Not six or seven wolves all by yourself all at once, but one wolf among others with five or six others. In becoming wolf, the important thing is the position of the mass, and above all the position of the subject itself in relation to the pack or the wolf-multiplicity: how the subject joins or does not join the pack, how far away it stays, how it does or does not hold to the multiplicity”(…)”To be fully a part of the crowd and at the same time completely outside it: to be on the edge, to take a walk like Virginia Woolf (never again will I say,” I am this, I am that”)”.
AtpLateAuS _ many Wolves

Znet Greece watch

has written

A Road to Revolution?

and the whole essay can be seen and read at the Znet Greece watch page
December 27, 2008 By Uri Gordon Source: Haaretz ----------------------------------
Let their Greek souls rise high to the occasion ~

And also from The IndypenDent via

Making Sense of the Greek Uprising

December 24, 2008
By Costas Panayotakis Source: Indypendent

Knowing I Live in a Dark Age
Milton Acorn

Knowing I live in a dark age before history,
I watch my wallet and
am less struck by gunfights in the avenues
than by the newsie with his dirty pink chapped face
calling a shabby poet back for his change.

The crows mobbing the blinking, sun-stupid owl;
wolves eating a hamstrung calf hind end first
keeping their meat alive and fresh...these
are marks of foresight, beginnings of wit;
but Jesus wearing thorns and sunstroke
beating his life and death into words
to break the rods and blunt the axes of Rome:
this and like things followed.

Knowing that in this advertising rainbow
I live like a trapeze artist with a headache,
my poems are no aspirins...they show
pale bayonets of grass waving thin on dunes;
the paralytic and his lyric secrets;
my friend Al, union builder and cynic,
hesitating to believe his own delicate poems
lest he believe in something better than himself:
and history, which is yet to begin,
will exceed this, exalt this
as a poem erases and rewrites its poet.

The distinction to be made is not between exterior and interior, which are always relative , changing and reversible but between different types of multiplicities that coexist, interpenetrate, and change places – machines, cogs, motors and elements that are set in motion at a given moment, forming an assemblage of productive statements: “I love you” (or whatever). (One or Several Wolves, ATplAteaus 36)

______________________________ Welcome to the Multitude ~ Monsieur Empire ~