


this will be playa.

bite apple.

wear dappled mayflowers on yer head.
sur le bus.

many folk. longgying their passage.

I.O.U. silver explainations.

between entre francais et english.
her lipped francais mon levre anglais ~
double becomed~ double devenir ~

Ahoy! me ditty dogs! the sea lent lambast's upon us! Typhoon! Merge of waves. Gorilla talk on sea. Roar of mist. how that can be? in sea Octupus. Rigged by the sea brain. A deep sea diver. Plunged plumed. My hardy ones. Sea wrack. round mouth.. amnesia scuffle. my bare lent ladies have recherche my reckoned.

Now take breath. Sailor boy. Are you a sodium? then? a dolmen a sodomite bridged by yer neck?

Mouth to her sex. leaned into the lust.
O aye! me captain
the capstan is waning!
Watch forth the breaker's is heaving high! roar'em in the poopdeck! must be shore on the hull side o'things!
Yer irish accent's gone looney

beckon me reckon me. tickle me. fickle me.

Mona's won every capsized mate .