

a delicate ....

the watch ((surveillance) surveillance f (on sur);
to keep ~ monter la garde;)

the watch is mysterious
silent sentry as it were of poesy at sea
whales rudder the ocean ; porpoise and sea-bird
the wail of tyhoon beckonging its piece of
full canvas in the guard of waves
grabbing their untouchable fist of money.
the ease of beaching is behind us. dark moor ofthe grey sea. Neptune's hardies
we can . only beat back oar. oaring oaring arm muscles thwarting gleam.
in husk of sea-bread.

a delicate posture is played.
do spars hold steady?

hold yer horses, wave.
breakers. darker than bowling ball black.
frighten the heart. hardest privateers know this course.
bound for the dark west . southern ball. work slaves all.

husky with the made of men. our words fall off.skin peeled eye.
black brow burnt.

(do you speak riddles? with yer star fish gabber? what pearl
hissed under sea? what back portion of diamonds found with it)

our anchor hauls off. ready-steady as she go. men. there are no women. here
aboard this boat. brigand to the high sea. nevernever land to the death seas.

we dont know how we speak. teeth gone, gums crashed.
heads buggered by the swell and sore of boom.

windward. wind . dry phosphate of sea. ghost call.

what of those breakers? the reef ahead slips the looker's eye
binnacled as he's rutted to the deck.

this prayer at sea. compassed to the reach.
housed in the helm cough. whore of the lying rope.
helmsman keep. watcher. bones whisper. hoo-hoo-hoo. what glitter's that
phosphorous in the waling?

gale pummeling the rocking vessel. rock. reef thief. medicine of night.

the knight parlays her pray. her lover never . this near.
co vets the . hour in. hidden room. come by the belly of her yearning.