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and it ought to be based ona civil code : of caritas love ~ civil Love. not self interest and greed. (in my opinion)
w e need de_representative democracy_ direct democracy which the founding 'fathers' as they're called were against.
its there in Multitudes by Michael Hardt's book ~ 'the authors and defenders of the U.S. constitution were more than explicit than Rousseau in their fear of democracy and the need for the seperation provided by representations...." p 243
fear of democracy is a sickness . the war 's and its machinery has added to that fear. inthe name of . one fears to think of the torture you've inflicted ~
w e need de_representative democracy_ direct democracy which the founding 'fathers' as they're called were against.
its there in Multitudes by Michael Hardt's book ~ 'the authors and defenders of the U.S. constitution were more than explicit than Rousseau in their fear of democracy and the need for the seperation provided by representations...." p 243
fear of democracy is a sickness . the war 's and its machinery has added to that fear. inthe name of . one fears to think of the torture you've inflicted ~