The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade
I hate Nature....
this ...
Foucault "Damiens had been condemned, on March 2, 1757, `to make honorable amends before the main door of the Church of Paris,' where he was to be `brought on a cart, naked but for a shirt, holding a torch burning wax weighing two pounds;' then, `in said cart taken to the Place de Greve, where, on a scaffold that will be erected there, the flesh will be torn from his breasts, arms, thighs, and calves with red-hot pincers, his right hand, holding the knife with which he committed the said [regicide], burned with sulphur, and, on those places where the flesh will be torn away, poured molten lead, boiling oil, burning resin, wax and sulphur melted together and then his body drawn and quartered by four horses and his limbs and body consumed by fire, reduced to ashes and his ashes thrown to the wind.'"
In the event--and the text spares nothing in the document it cites--the condemned man suffered horribly. Four horses tethered to each limb proved unable to dismember Damiens. Next, six horses tried--and failed. " 'After two or three attempts,"' the executioner drew a knife "`and cut the body at the thighs instead of severing the legs at the joints; the . . . horses gave a tug and carried off the two thighs after them, namely, that of the right side first, the other following; then the same was done to the arms, the shoulders, the arm-pits and the four limbs; the flesh had to be cut almost to the bone.'"
more around idea of cruelty and judgement
From "Marat / Sade"
(Adrian Mitchell / Richard Peaslee)
Peter Weiss
Four years after the revolution and the old king's execution
Four years after I remember how those courtiers took their final vow
String up every aristocrat
Out with the priests Let them live on their fat
Four years after we started fighting
Marat keeps on with his writing
Four years after the Bastille fell
He still recalls the old battle yell
Down with all of the ruling class
Throw all the generals out on their arse
Good old Marat by your side we'll stand or fall
You're the only one that we can trust at all
Four years he fought and he fought unafraid
Sniffing down traitors by traitors betrayed
Marat in the courtroom Marat underground
Sometimes the otter and sometimes the hound
Fight ing all the gentry and fighting every priest
Businessman the bourgeois the military beast
Marat always ready to stifle every scheme
of the sons of the arse licking dying regime
We've got new generals our leaders are new
They sit and they argue and all that they do
Is sell their own colleagues and ride upon their backs
And jail them and break them and give them all the axe
Screaming in language that no one understands
Of the rights that we grabbed with our own bleeding hands
When we wiped out the bosses and stormed through the wall
Of the prison they told us would outlast us all
Marat we're poor
And the poor stay poor
Marat don't make
Us wait anymore
We want our rights and we don't care how
We want our revolution now
Why do they have the gold
Why do they have the power
Why why why
Do they have the friends at the top
Why do they have the jobs at the top
We've got nothing
Always had nothing
Nothing but holes and millions of them
Living in holes dying in holes
Holes in our bellies and holes in our clothes
Marat we're poor
And the poor stay poor
Marat don't make us wait anymore
Poor old Marat they hunt you down
The bloodhounds are sniffing all over the town
Poor old Marat you work til your eyes turn as red as rust
poor old Marat
We trust in you .
Miss ChaRLotte~ Corday to staB Marat ~
more at link above~ its a questioN always of Organs ~ full body of earth and body without organs non totalzing limb song. flail of geeze and swan , madness of sawn~ , as when a cuticle fall[s] to earth
__________________ There are strange tales of the English poet John Milton's body being disinterred and some have pondered this strange fate of the poet's body, as some have reflected likewise on the sacking of Antonin Artaud's papers just after his death ~ .