

war unending ... the Republic is Lost....


'Empire rules over a global order that is not only fractureed by internal divisions and hierarhcies but also plagued by perpetual war.

The state of War in Empire is inevitable
, and war fucntons as an instrument of of rule.

Today's imperial peace _ Pax Imperii_ like that in ancient Rome
is a false pretense of peace that
really presides over a state of
Constant War ~ .

( examples: Congo, Kosovo, Darfur, Iraq; others there for the picking)

Hardt and Negri _ Multitude xiii

'The world is at war again, but things are different this time....
War is becoming a general phenomena ,
global and interminable....

There are innumerable armed conflicts waged across the

globe today, some brief and limited to a specific place,

others long lasting and expansive.... These
conflicts might be best conceived as instances

not of war

civil war....
Multitude p 3

EmPire Empire Empire

Empire Imperium Imperial....

This civil war

show be understood now not
within the national space
since that is no longer effective unity of sovereignty, but
across the global terrain ...


so hide yer head
there're soldier round the corner
in the cone
workin for the post office
they're the ones that obey
obey obey
volunteer to make you pay
pay pay
you must pay pay
for yer day
yer right
I cite a few lines above from Micahael Hardt adn Antonio Negri's book Multitude: War and Democracy in the Age of Empire ~

Since you were a kid you thought you were living in Roman times.. so then, is this sense the sense of intensity of being hooked before even knowing what that sense of things signified?

______ find the poem of peace in this. debris. debacle. of yer life and theirs. chaos barely of world. war . without end. for peace cut
skipped down the world avenue
disappeare d ~

but can become found
can become found
must be found ~