

this that and


Cette revue accueillera les travaux des individus et des groupes se réclamant de près ou de loin de la "schizoanalyse", science des chimères : les travaux de tous ceux qui entendent renouer avec l'inventivité première de la psychanalyse, en levant le carcan de pseudo-scientificité qui s'est abattu sur elle comme sur l'ensemble des pratiques et des recherches en philosophie et en sciences humaines. À la manière des arts et des sciences en train de se faire. Work in progress. Les textes émanent ici de psychanalystes, de philosophes, d'ethnologues, de scientifiques ou d'artistes. Pas pour une inter-disciplinarité de galerie. Retour au singulier. À chacun sa folie. Les grands phylums théoriques finiront bien par y retrouver les leurs. De toutes façons, par les temps qui courent, nous n'avions plus le choix, il fallait repartir de là.
Félix Guattari, Chimères n°1

books readin//// various projects

The Waste Land TS Eliot

Paradise Lost _ JOhn mIlton
Antiodipus Deleuze et Guattari

One THousand Plateaus _ D&G.
Deleuze Reader
Guattari Reader
Michel Tournier
Joyce's Ulysses
Lives of the two major poets,
Eric Alliez _ philosophy.

Those are just the big names. there are others, smaller, and perhaps sweeter. and the poetry in Milton and Eliot _ is rich enough for many life times.

Long essay project coming along slow.
Two hundred pages done, and revising.>?

3 days of noise ~ hard to write in the morning. so we mourn~& grieve. maybe move ~ or grieve mourn to move our grieving tears? our tear grieve mour n ~ bereave ~

Do I call this a type of poetry, or the resistance to poetry, by the fascism of everyday life? is this a spin of some thing raoul vaneighem might have said?

Why NoT/ / ? I am antioedipal antipodean desire machine truck! Ok monsieur prendre un shower! colis!
I lov e ~ when some French Canadians swear ~

Jjjeejjejejejej JeBoom Boom Bboom. babBoom.


elle griffe, pousse pousee pousiere!
dust o f daisy

delicate comme un os ~
n'est c'es pas?
I dont speak verse en francais mais il ya des fois, je vers en franc_cais comme un griffon!
cest moi
cest moi moi

I is the Je qui moi
Un peut ~ comme Rimbaud parle quand il dits 'J'est un autre'

Autre Je I.
I autre Je I.

A play of I et texte et I eye moi toi griffer ? poussez les ombres.
Et les jours son t si longs quand on vive dans le bruit incessant

O lovers ~

fictions blogs etcetera

(deleuze's birthday jan 18 ~)

fictions blog no three is here and links to other blogs internal and external. follow, reader rhizomatic linkage and bodies with love organs. Alors! yes . we love the loop of word tongue language. heart felt.


When I go to Moinesti _ where he came from,
my father
Poetic Dada of my heart, my heart's fear,
we'll see then about moon light or silver tears
buckled by city
meteror of war
firer of chaos
maestro of order

or orchids for Arthur and king of presence
promises stung by feet
poor rich men won't hurt their navy arming bow and arrow
knowing the flower's blossomed in your halo
hail over sea and in corn fields
I'll stagger tear in eye by bus and post
waiting for the river warming my shirt
as fathers gather row on row
eye dimmed in the night of East
territories sea and river
where I've woken in that langauge he left behind
my father nearly 100 years now

off to Zurich and dada circus
Circuit of the folded moon's tent
I'll give my hands then
armed by the teeth of lovers' pulley
covered in the fuel of arrival
and a body to pair

or Tristan T ~ papa de Dada non papa et fondateur co founder of Dada And many many books after of poesie.

Written / and to go to factory for inspection later
verse factory

born born in Moinesti-, Bac--u Province, Romania __April 16, 1896

Here then

_ a text I began fast. written. not sure. but then I am always
in "draft" status.
All my words on parole.

I'll send you the moon in full view ~

A moon of one's own
For two in tow
pulling at her strings

we'd fall like you
and I
around her laces

gathering our places

demur initially

afterwards we'd
howl like banshees
wolves at the hoot of the bodies
silver twist
our tongues

like that
two backed beast
lover ~

~ then bus driver clandestine secret rosettes~