

out outer

out over ocean racoon
the mother hear
cry of humanity

not near the loss of your life

you I lost 15 years
now we go to the machine to ask back
loss of life is politics
not merely personal gain
los t rightful place
los t te a c hi n g


so let us hook
political rope what's roped
angled harpooned ~

as flow
butt border
body without love's
body with out organ
without disease

as dying is pleaesure
we create languag e
creaked cranked marooned in penned cephalon

or rivered by her thigh
Ive twisted today too
many time
as barked by body
Im no more where than then
cupping over absent cupped breast
unloosing a brassieres that don't
arent air not here

hutted by the nochoice ascent ascetic no model
we'll ahoy and down our death[s] ~



OENO′NE (Oinônê,) a daughter of the rivergod Cebren, and the wife of Paris. (Apollod. iii. 12. § 6; Parthen. Erot. 4; Strab. xiii. p. 596.)

Source: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology.

Bacchylides, Fragment 20D (trans. Campbell, Vol. Greek Lyric IV) (C5th B.C.) :
"From high above the comely wife of Paris, Oinone, hastened along her final path." [N.B. "from high above" because she committed suicide by leaping off a cliff.]


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