je ne suis qu'un petit bruit j'ai plusieurs bruit en moi
un bruit glacé froissé au carrefour jeté sur le trottoir humide
aux pieds des hommes pressés courant avec leur morts autour de la mort qui étend ses bras
sur le cadran de l'heure seule vivante au solei l
Approximate man Tfistan Tzara _'s unread great poem. half the englishr eading world think tzara is just dada. wel, guess what . was notthe case.
he was many. became surrealist.became member of Communist Party member of Surrationalist group which was scientist and artists; left surrealist group; active in Communist Party France;
Saved Art treasures during Spanish Civil War; Fought in Resistance against Nazis in WW2.
writed wrote 12 books of poem. many dozen essay. letters. After war. was given highest medal in france. became eventually honoured and honory citizen of same. Was active in other areas till his death on Christmas Eve 1963. He wrote books about Rabelais and Villon. His son Christophe Tzara french physciist. He was at Arts Conference on Oceanic and African art as guest months before he died.
'department does not pay
dissertation is on strike these en greve
no job no argent no these , eh? les idees sont pas
libre le these un chose productive cest ne'st pas un form
d e bien etre social
alors etudianets students go on strike!
english departments
're laughable ..' professuers too cowardlty not only
to go on strike ne ver mind initiate one, lead one,
e n courage the thought. les petitis obeyers.
capitalism's the bad father
chronos de papa who takes away yer friends
chronos de interest
takes yer beauty
taking yer rent
taking yer space
Canada is the second rate of capital's dirt y arse
its the big gamer in the small town
lied to by it s politicos daily
Canada feeds its artists with grants
which they kill each other with
Canada is icberg
Canada is le grand farce des eskimos
des deux peuples
de deux solitude
canada educates its children
spoils them too & then no jobs
as its licensed them al
ending teaching
in the popular sense
indeed hooking everyone into the middle class
Canada 's so backwards we still have a Queen
and two groups french and english
claim priority claim
C anada backass we gotta a conservative primo
its the way foolishness of its lack
that's so bad "in front of" the great women &
men of history
the dummies that they vote fer
ventrioloquized by their robot selves
the articc. true brave and free?
my arse, our parlay 's a prop to the medicine man of bad breath
claim all giving nothing
James Bay
water works
thank god for the fellowship of the spirit
or I'd kill myself
simple as that
what future is there for me
in this country?
Canada's capitalism's second rate but
it works
so what second rate about it?
we're punished in th e gulag here as much as
the old guys were in the Gulags of the old Soviet Union
we had no Sartre Foucault Deleuze or anyone
we had M.Medium is message a boring catholic turns out
we've had no Tzara but alcoholic poet's get the medal's R
captial's a hick town down road down river of Perth.
Boo-Hoo blow yer nose
Banada Banada blow yer arese
winds of belched fart lard crease clapped across land.
Governer General's award is a functiion of the deleterious
machine.--- |
Let me introduce you the Queen. MaDame Transvestite of the punishing god ~