

the virtual

P.F~Guattari once wrote I have seen many travellos. He referred to the travel along body without organs.
I too hve seen thus.

but one must be wary of little oedipii attacking from the fringes. reverting to old defaulting strata

Moi _ Je Je suis multiple.

One says,it's virtually true, or "it's practically the case"

this segment of my machines roule roule roule my work is here not there in the book as dominant mode of subjectiviations . degenerations of generation. rationalize.
it is from these ones I have learned the game which is played by them:
the game is this:
no principle

so this is why i cut tie s more and more

The virtual is the practical realization of the theoretical. Is this something that Deleuze is driving at...
the snowstorm's blown over. there's nothing left of the city!

its a snow flake now
cut ting cross eternity