long day 's s'no w no w+ snow
ong day 's s'no w no w ong day 's s'no w noong day 's s'no w no w w
t y p i c a l d a y in
l' h i v e r some ti m e
foud a t daily motion
c'est le quartier i lived fr a period
Snow storm in Montreal at the corner of the school
i go for coffee sometime friay et samedi
reading note
Have started reading Capital T imes Les Temps Capitaux Eric Alliez
Remember the time when in the seminar
in those days
when you were not
it was exciting
university's become another way to prison for many
Smoke filled air. Not now now school is factory
nothing laboratory professors are machine of economy.
le temps des grand événement de l'université c'est fini
alors le but la a ce moment c'est de quittez
cherchez le porte qui va d'ailleurs
but we most not resent. no ressentiment
out o u t
o u t
but we ponder the path ~
t y p i c a l d a y in
l' h i v e r some ti m e
foud a t daily motion
c'est le quartier i lived fr a period
Snow storm in Montreal at the corner of the school
i go for coffee sometime friay et samedi
reading note
Have started reading Capital T imes Les Temps Capitaux Eric Alliez
Remember the time when in the seminar
in those days
when you were not
it was exciting
university's become another way to prison for many
Smoke filled air. Not now now school is factory
nothing laboratory professors are machine of economy.
le temps des grand événement de l'université c'est fini
alors le but la a ce moment c'est de quittez
cherchez le porte qui va d'ailleurs
but we most not resent. no ressentiment
out o u t
o u t
but we ponder the path ~