

end the et il faut etre fidele a mai 68 ~

greve il faut greve it is necessary to strike. especially when you pay to produce and nothing in treasured return.
I Love this Interview with Mister Badiou big Badiou quelle grand professeur! he is so alove alolove alive unlike the ones here.... BadiOU U hes so smart an d so right. so filled with intelligence and hope/ gives me hope / yes. | real |fine| generous

thos e who have nothing can be come everything
been his book about deleuze clamour of being
dont get it but dont care
I care about what he is saying Here

and et

Liberation pour des chose intelligente

and over rabble ca
there be interesting many thinggs

le communisme de machine desirante
le communisme est un socieite where everyone is polyvalente
where everyone rotate skills
que tout monde existe dans un figure d'egalitie
end the isms machine

free yer spirit

axiom of love's bo
free yer spirit

axiom of love's bo
free yer spirit

axiom of love's body
this f a n t a s ti c
RePosting Mr . Badiou InterView

CSOJ - Alain Badiou


and went for a walk get some food whatever brocoli milk cold windy bad outside again
mix of mulling people of many grounds and backgrounds . near metro coming out of dumbass store _ big shopin type deal i walked out couldnt handle _ i go to smaller grocery store . there is a woamn bent over all in black covered head to toe, face mask looks oppressive. i am sad, what is she doing. what are the canadians doing . what is goin? on? how does this add up? contradiction? contradiction of fear. woman masked . black. see her fear. sensed her blacknes s thru darkness . reminds me of old nuns. but worse. darker. what is this? and soldiers there fighting . this woman here bent over. black.ed. out. as it were. cannot see face. eyes. nothing. what is she doing? who is she? is this so sad? sad to sad see is she fre e? what is free ? we are feared of fre e around her men unloading trucks food stocks heaving up d o w n into grocery store. buses goin by by woman walking slow bent over a dark mask of what ? is this word her body? of darkness cut off filled to brim with de a th ? what are soldiers of canada doing over there in mountains of that country near china way up in mountain afghanistan . how does that? soldier died. woman soldier mother die. battle. woman on the street . cold black darked out. what? is this . heart beats. die. wake up choking.
En banlieu ~ __ canada not this bad to my experience. other way. isolate. outsiders and nonproducers. them dont fit capital. schizophrenizied.this is what d&g called surplus. energy. yes. so then traped. these young people are not . they stand . Up good . a mon avis a vis . parle.il faut parle.

__________ dis jes found


and poetry at radio france today