authorinng romainia
Author's machine comments . I like __th rest go. Incomplete page. fragment on a taggle. no time. meet to bust. some maches work some tipple topple and bust. what? youI thought desiring-machines only work when they break down? well __ It did! I love you So relax. Author's machine comments . I let th rest go. Incomplete page. fragment on a taggle. no time. meet to bust. some machines worke tipple topple and bust. what? I thought desiring-machines Author's machine comments . I lith rest go. In__complete page. fragment on a taggle. no time. meet to bust. some machines work some tipple topple and bust. what? I thought desiring-machines only work when they break down? well __ It did! I love __ Author's machine comments . I let th rest go. Incomplete page. frataggle. no time. meet to bust. Som
" Am să îţi scriu pe buze c-o cireaşă
În versuri dulci povestea noastră.
O să iţi desenez pe pleoape
Ce nu pot spune în cuvinte
Am să te parfumez, cu toate
Ca tu guşti aşa de bine"
Author's machine comments . I like th rest go. Incomplete page. fragment on a taggle. no time. meet to bust.
Shoosh come the veils of dawn
a dharma shadow walking across her cape
her shoulders
are my sweet nothing
pains come
she's the red ship at noon
No doubt ___ continued
see what __ mean
wiggles down writhes
yer body to m__
a body
in A space
bounded less by
daddiohe anti-desiremachine.
Ok, it's alove p............oem, alr........ight. What? another o... This might as well be the fictions.... That sort of other poetry, is priva...
Cantbe blogged
cant be seen
cant be seen.
(there he goes againyou think seeing her again 'seeing her' wel, if you can call that seeing makes a difference?
and what about that shit about Artaud? you think that's true?) (( Not sure__ after all look at his letters to others __ perfectly fine)) (indeed__ if you wnat ot call that perfection)
one must
the en__
as it'err
machined indices. make for the space. cut a crease. not so then? what felt of body before space. come cross the page. page? no page. blog derive. le devenir __ the sense that of the what is to come. to come for the what has not yet arrived... Oh then __ it's especial night. beside teeth.And dawn. like her pages, my soft side raddled skin, of deluxe. hold me. god, hold me. i am wither. wait. weight. near philology. of paradox besideness. face wait for me in the hote.l. ruined before. space. body over dawn. come to me break yer way, the mingle. not a fold but a clear water. sage place. close to y our hands. i can feel your ass. i knew it. sense d the other night. what? cant breath. with. your. with.out your. come breath. the post. pant. palimpest. not so. not spelled. egg dawn of break. schizo. egg. trauma noise. is the .
wayfarer. cuddle me. beg. oh okay. okay. need some need some. needle on. cant aid.
oh machine paradox.
dox. the core of.
the core. the kergyma of kenosis. emptyme out before you. after. the decal. decades. sudden eruption. who was. then she. was. who was . sheesh. wave. body forth. wrecked it town. lover dawn.
" Am să îţi scriu pe buze c-o cireaşă
În versuri dulci povestea noastră.
O să iţi desenez pe pleoape
Ce nu pot spune în cuvinte
Am să te parfumez, cu toate
Ca tu guşti aşa de bine"
Author's machine comments . I like th rest go. Incomplete page. fragment on a taggle. no time. meet to bust.
Shoosh come the veils of dawn
a dharma shadow walking across her cape
her shoulders
are my sweet nothing
pains come
she's the red ship at noon
No doubt ___ continued
see what __ mean
wiggles down writhes
yer body to m__
a body
in A space
bounded less by
daddiohe anti-desiremachine.
Ok, it's alove p............oem, alr........ight. What? another o... This might as well be the fictions.... That sort of other poetry, is priva...
Cantbe blogged
cant be seen
cant be seen.
(there he goes againyou think seeing her again 'seeing her' wel, if you can call that seeing makes a difference?
and what about that shit about Artaud? you think that's true?) (( Not sure__ after all look at his letters to others __ perfectly fine)) (indeed__ if you wnat ot call that perfection)
one must
the en__
as it'err
machined indices. make for the space. cut a crease. not so then? what felt of body before space. come cross the page. page? no page. blog derive. le devenir __ the sense that of the what is to come. to come for the what has not yet arrived... Oh then __ it's especial night. beside teeth.And dawn. like her pages, my soft side raddled skin, of deluxe. hold me. god, hold me. i am wither. wait. weight. near philology. of paradox besideness. face wait for me in the hote.l. ruined before. space. body over dawn. come to me break yer way, the mingle. not a fold but a clear water. sage place. close to y our hands. i can feel your ass. i knew it. sense d the other night. what? cant breath. with. your. with.out your. come breath. the post. pant. palimpest. not so. not spelled. egg dawn of break. schizo. egg. trauma noise. is the .
wayfarer. cuddle me. beg. oh okay. okay. need some need some. needle on. cant aid.
oh machine paradox.
dox. the core of.
the core. the kergyma of kenosis. emptyme out before you. after. the decal. decades. sudden eruption. who was. then she. was. who was . sheesh. wave. body forth. wrecked it town. lover dawn.