

the sublunar light


__________________________this 'digital' collages and artworks are almost childish... the collages we did that i did in the 70's were gigantic and contained hundreds of bits, of element| I can never be persuaded that the internet is a visual medium. It is a textual and musical and but it is not for the visual as such, as painting, a s collage. it has no texture and can not have any ever .. it would have to become upside down or something. in the meantime it is a fantastic textual medium ` writing on blogs is like writing in longhand....

rites of ... face, passage, glue on , earth

oVer every cabinet _ machines . the fire of earth works. body her body dance.
spatter . colle



The artist and the writer are working without rules in order to formulate the rules of what will have been done. 
Hence the fact that work and text have the character of an event; hence also, they always come too late for their author,

or, what amounts to the same thing, their being put into work, their realization always begins too soon.

Post modern would have to be understood according to the paradox of the future (post) anterior (modo).

The sublime feeling is neither moral universality nor aesthetic universalization, but is, rather, the destruction of one by the other in the violence of their differend.

This differend cannot demand, even subjectively, to be communicated to all thought.' –