

pen pen pen to the daughter Born[e] without a Muuthte

none of my pens work. alL. pencils are stubs. or busted. pens pens pens PENS. not a one
that work.

what gives with this?

how is this happening?

do the pen go sleep and ink away their self not
say what is becoming them?

are they as loves to broken caves, forgotten forgone in the mule like stage of recovery?
and her beauty was that Eyes I saw or Caesars?

Therese and Isabelle - Confession-- from the film by -
'A scene from the beautiful 1968 Radley Metzge' based on the nowaday virtually forgot Violette Leduc

if you look at the menu options
and yet another sadder moment, painful
Therese und Isabell 7
unfotuneatly on utube you necessarily get this associated videos so called.
who associated them?
not me reader.

O my lover my lovers we've been many
boats and brides knocking sea in the night
syncopated by the tern sound of end
start between the breast you hide

hidden as we're cabinet creatures
denned in our groaning sex

swished by identity its falseness
remember when girls wore falsies?

what is a ugly woman?
is ugly a lack of energy?

Beauty is Energy